Our Dangerous Dads group is a great opportunity for Dads/Stepdads/Grandads and Uncles to come along to the woods for a couple of hours and spend some time with their children. We usually run these sessions once a month and activities involve working with tools, seasonal crafts, playing in the hammocks, getting messy in the mud kitchen and balancing on slacklines, There is usually lots of campfire cooking and sharing food around the fire too.

The children absolutely love having a 'Dad date' and it’s also a chance for Dads to meet other Dads, share the stresses and the challenges of parenting or just chat. Our group is part of the wider 'Dangerous Dads Network' which was started by Ian Blackwell in 2007.

Dads are invited to join our Facebook Group Nature Nurture Sussex Dangerous Dads.

Below you will find two videos showing what Dangerous Dads is all about. The first is one we made to celebrate Fathers’ Day and shows what we get up to during sessions. The second is one we made for the Dangerous Dads Network explaining why we got involved.