Wild Painting
/By Mel Evans
We love using paint at our Forest School sessions. There is nothing nicer than stringing an old towel up in the trees or making a giant canvas by stretching an old bed sheet over a pallet. We lay out a few paints and invite the children to experiment. There is no pressure to create anything specific and lots of time and space to enjoy the process.
Sometimes we ‘forget’ to pack the paint brushes and the children forage for their own instead. Natural materials can be attached to sticks with string or elastic bands to make paint brushes. Pegs also make great handles.
If you have a garden you could forage for your own paint brushes and experiment in the sunshine. If you don’t have access to a safe space outside how about foraging for things you can make prints with around the house, before laying some paper out on the table?
Loo roll tubes make a great firework pattern.
Celery slices make beautiful rose prints.
It doesn’t really matter if you do this activity inside or outside as long as you remember that the joy is in the process!