Wild Flower Bingo! (April)
/By Mel Evans
Do you remember our Mothers Day Wild Flower Bingo in March? Well we had so much fun spotting Wild Flowers on daily walks we thought we would make one for April. How many can you spot? I have added some ‘clues’ to help with you identification.
“Take only Photos and Leave only Footprints.”
Greater Stitchwort (The five pairs of conjoined petals are a give away sign of this flower)
Red Campion (Deep pink flowers grow on a hairy stem.)
Bluebells (The star of the season!)
Yellow Archangel (Two lipped yellow flowers and toothed leaves)
Herb Robert (Nick names Stinky Bob after the pungent aroma when you crush the leaves)
Bugle (Flowers spike up 10-30 cm tall)
Ground Ivy (Kidney shaped leaves have a strong pleasant smell)