Learn More About Hibernation

Only three British mammals genuinely hibernate.  These are the Dormouse, hedgehog and the bat.  Other animals such as squirrels and badgers take it easy and spend much of the winter in their drays and sets.  However, they do venture out to feed and their bodies don’t go into full shut down unlike those that hibernate.


We can celebrate these animals with activities while we ponder what it would be like to hibernate and if we would do it ourselves given the choice. You can find a few ideas below.

Make Hedgehog Bread

Make Hedgehog Bread

Make a Dormouse from an acorn and build it a mini shelter to hibernate in.

Make a Dormouse from an acorn and build it a mini shelter to hibernate in.

Build a hibernaculum or mini-beast hotel for insects such as mason bees, queen bumblebees and butterflies to hibernate in.

Build a hibernaculum or mini-beast hotel for insects such as mason bees, queen bumblebees and butterflies to hibernate in.